Axiolab 5
Axiolab 5 is made for the routine microscopy work that goes on every day in your lab. Its compact and ergonomic design saves space and makes for easy handling. Axiolab 5 is a real team player. Combine it with Axiocam 208 color and take full advantage of the smart microscopy concept: you'll be experiencing a completely new form of digital documentation. Just focus your sample and press a single button for crisp images in true color. The digital image will look like you see it through the eyepieces, with all the details and subtle color differences clearly visible.
Plus, Axiolab 5 automatically adds the correct scaling information to your images. You get all of this in a standalone operation, without needing a PC or any additional software. Save time, money and valuable lab space with Axiolab 5. Digital documen-tation has never been easier.

Axiolab 5 Pol

Axiolab 5