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    Filter Set 50
    Item Number 488050-9901-000
    Filter Set
    14 possible dyes found
    Please note that the given values are typical only and not guaranteed.
    14 possible dyes found
    Fluorescent dyes Excitation Emission
    Alexa 647 653 nm 669 nm
    Alexa 660 664 nm 691 nm
    Alexa Fluor 647 antibody conjugate pH 7.2 653 nm 668 nm
    Alexa Fluor 660 antibody conjugate pH 7.2 663 nm 691 nm
    Allophycocyanin pH 7.5 651 nm 660 nm
    APC (allophycocyanin) 650 nm 660 nm
    Atto 647 644 nm 670 nm
    BODIPY 650/665-X, MeOH 646 nm 664 nm
    Cy 5 646 nm 664 nm
    DDAO pH 9.0 648 nm 657 nm
    DyLight 649 652 nm 668 nm
    Nile Blue, EtOH 631 nm 660 nm
    TO-PRO-3-DNA 642 nm 657 nm
    TOTO-3-DNA 642 nm 661 nm